Hello!!! How are you doing??
I have a question!
Have you already smiled today? And the past days?
Oh... no... don't think that! Everyone has a reason to smile!! It doesn't matter if it's just ONE reason! At least you have one!
And if you're saying that your life sucks and you have nothing to smile for... I assure you you're wrong!
First because you are alive! You breathe every day! You can see, hear, read (this makes me happy because it means you are here reading this text), feel the scent of the flowers, the rain! Feel the heat of the Sun!
Feel the flavor of the food you cook or the food is cooked for you!
This is life and it brings all! It brings the will of smiling or laughing out loud to yourself or to the world.
By the way the world needs some smile, some joy! What do you think about it?
After the pandemic the humanity is a lot more worried about working and working and working and making money.
There's something we cannot forget about...
What will you do with the money you make if you end up ill?
How will you play with your kids (if any) or with your pet if your health is not good?
Where and when will you wear that beautiful dress with those wonderful high heels you bought for a special occasion?
Special occasion? It's every day, every time, every second...
It's hard to face it, isn't it?
I totally understand that.... but I also understand that if we stop smiling our lives will become dark, depressed, faded and in a horrible mood!
So... I repeat the question of the title: